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Interest and investment in renewable energy is on the rise. Experts report a massive expansion of solar energy in the last few years and shared that the next five years represent an even larger potential for growth. As solar farms become more advanced and efficient, more organizations are turning to these solutions, and accelerating the deployment of these renewable energy technologies on a large scale requires the support of a skilled metal beam manufacturer. 

The right beam manufacturer can help you get high-quality beams in your hands faster for use in solar piles so you can satisfy demand and accelerate the growth of solar farms. When you choose a team that can provide quality steel beams for solar piles in tight timelines, you can get the parts you need and scale even faster. 

Read on to learn more about the rising demand for solar energy and how manufacturers like Attala play a helping hand in supporting the industry’s growth with quality steel beams. 

Solar Energy is Growing — More Solar Posts Needed

Solar energy has seen steady growth in recent years, and it’s not slowing down. 

Some of this growth is supported by the federal push and incentives for domestic steel production for clean energy. With incentives like the IRA tax credits, more organizations are willing to invest in domestic steel beam supply and pursue projects like solar farm production with the support of a team like Attala. As the industry expands, organizations that want to leverage the IRA incentives can partner with reliable and efficient solar post manufacturers like Attala to support their needs. 

How Attala Supports Solar Post Manufacturing with Quality Steel Beams

At Attala, we’re committed to supporting the needs of our customers with reliable and rapid manufacturing of domestic w-beams. We understand the importance of on-time production and how the solar energy industry relies on strong manufacturing to move forward, and our team is committed to helping you achieve the best results.

We stand out as partners for four key reasons:

Total In-House Production 

Our vertically integrated processes support each step of manufacturing under one roof. We hot roll, cut, punch, and galvanize our steel beams for solar piles under one roof, allowing us to better monitor the quality at each stage and bypass the need for outsourcing. This also empowers us to deliver faster lead times. 

Domestic Beams 

There are many benefits to partnering with a domestic steel beam supplier for solar projects. Our partnership can help alleviate the headaches that can come from outsourcing elsewhere and dealing with the complexities and delays of international shipping. It can also help you achieve IRA benefits because our steel piles satisfy the necessary requirements. 

Low Lead Times 

Our competitive lead times allow you to get your solar posts faster and implement your solutions more rapidly. In only 6 to 8 weeks, you can receive quality steel beams for solar piles. This competitive timeline will put you a step ahead of your competitors and empower you to expand more rapidly, relying on our accelerated production to support your scaling.

SEIA Members Committed to Solar Growth

As a company, we’re proud to play a role in supporting clean energy and the expansion of solar farms. We know that in order for renewable energy implementation and usage to expand, organizations must be able to rely on quality manufacturers supplying critical parts like steel beams for solar piles. Our membership to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) allows us to stay on the leading edge of solar energy innovations and offer deeper support.  

Contact Attala for Superior Solar Post Manufacturing Support

When you’re ready to level up your steel beams with more efficient production from a domestic supplier, choose Attala Steel Industries. 

We’re proud to provide solar post beams with a complete start-to-finish approach. In our Mississippi facility, we hot roll premium steel billets, then cut them to your precise requirements before punching and galvanizing them. Our vertically integrated processes enable us to deliver more and avoid outsourcing to others, which saves you time and ensures you enjoy better-quality beams. We even offer site communication to ensure your project kicks off smoothly. 

In addition to our Made-in-the-USA beams for solar posts, we provide quality beams for guardrail posts and other applications. With every project we take on, we take the time to understand your needs and ensure our products meet the standards you demand. Our beams also qualify for the IRA benefit requirements, so if you’re ready to rely on domestic steel beams and receive these dedicated benefits, you can count on ASI for support.  
Talk to us today about your solar post needs and learn how we can help.