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Steel beams are a vital asset for many industries. From solar energy foundations to the guardrails on our roads, high-quality beams are used in a variety of applications and require a skilled manufacturer to produce them on time, at a competitive price, and to the highest standards. When you’re seeking a partner for your steel beam needs, choosing a manufacturer equipped to handle every stage under one roof will save you time and money.

Learn more about the benefits of 100% in-house beam manufacturing and why Attala is positioned to be the perfect partner for your project. 

Exploring the Beam Manufacturing Process — And What You Should Consider 

Steel Rolling

The beam manufacturing process begins with rolling, which transforms a beam blank of unformed steel into the right shape by rolling it. At Attala, we practice hot rolling using billets. Hot rolling involves heating steel and rolling it while heated, then allowing it to cool naturally and provides an effective solution to the foundation requirements for Solar Farms and Guardrail Posts.

Key Takeaway: Consider the process your partner uses to roll your steel beams. Hot rolling can help mitigate quality challenges and save you money.

Cutting and Punching

Once the materials have been properly rolled, they’re cut to your size requirement. To do so, we use equipment that ensures accuracy and efficiency and produces cuts to the exact size our customers require. After the beams are of the correct shape and length, we punch them, making uniform holes within the surface as many applications demand. You can always count on our beams to match proper ASTM and/or state DOT requirements.

Key Takeaway: The equipment your partner uses is key — with reliable equipment operated by a skilled team, you can count on accurate and efficient cutting and punching.


To complete the manufacturing process, we galvanize the materials, applying a protective coating for steel. This ensures they’re able to withstand the weather better and prevents rusting. For beams used in applications like solar panels and roadside guardrails, this coating is particularly important — it ensures your materials are durable enough to withstand the outdoor elements and remain strong for years to come. We go beyond the competition with our vertically integrated processes, allowing us to galvanize your steel beams in-house.

Key Takeaway: Galvanizing is a vital step in preparing steel beams for their final destinations. Ensure your chosen partner can handle this step in-house and uses high-quality materials for the best results.

Logistics and Site Communication

After the manufacturing process, we continue supporting the needs of our customers with logistics support and site communication. Kicking off a project for success requires more than just quality materials or capabilities — it requires a deep knowledge of every step of steel beam production. Our expertise at every stage ensures your products arrive to you without delay or challenges. 

Key Takeaway: Steel beam manufacturing from a partner with logistics support and site communication delivers superior value and kicks off your project for success.

Benefits of Complete In-House Beam Manufacturing 

Beam manufacturing requires an array of reliable equipment and a skilled team knowledgeable about creating the best products for your application. 

Some beam manufacturers are unequipped to handle every stage of beam manufacturing in-house. They may outsource the initial hot rolling of the beams, or may not have the ability to galvanize their products. This can lead to excess expenses for their customers and delay projects from being completed, which hurts your bottom line. 

Beam manufacturing from partners like us who can handle every step in-house leads to cost and time savings and raises the quality of the finished product. We have the skillset and equipment to serve your needs from start to finish, and our rigid quality standards can ensure your metal beams are created to the most precise requirements. With the right partner on your side, you can enjoy more efficient and accurate beam manufacturing that gets your high-quality metal beams into their final applications even faster. 

Talk to Attala for Total In-House Beam Manufacturing 

At Attala, we deliver total project support to customers in need and always provide 100% in-house, made-in-the-USA production. We’ve honed our vertically integrated processes over the decades through various projects, from the San Pablo Raceway to solar projects across Georgia, and much more. Our comprehensive in-house services and impressive 6-8 week lead times ensure our customers enjoy better quality beams completed on time, every time.

If you’re seeking steel beams for solar projects, you can count on our expertise to level up your finished products. We’re proud members of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and support innovations in solar energy with expert manufacturing and superior-quality beams. We also create steel beams for guardrail posts and other applications and tailor each project to match the unique budgets and requirements of our customers.

Talk to our team today to get started with beam manufacturing, made better.